Tuesday, April 15, 2008


okaaay. such a long day. ;((
my niece has to use the computer. kaylangan mag madali. LOL. =]

anyway, mga 1:00 pm, we went to sm, my dad did something.
i bought APPLETAPES! <3 then we went to smi, because my
brother has to take his exams for 4th grade. so slooooww,
so we went muna to tita`angie's canteeen. ;] ate sarah&&cathy. weird.
probably because they did nothing but sit down and listen to
country music. HAHA. funny. not.

so went back to smi. my brother wasnt finished yet.
he didnt know what to do at first pala thats why he was so slow.
after,he passed, he was average, i was above-average. C00L. :D
then the nun. [uhuh,nun`or sister--whichever you prefer]
said jake has an inteview with the principal. interview interview. AH,
finished atlast. then after that, we went to greenhills na,
my dad turned right--pero bawal.=)) so habol, habol.
then jake woke me up. he was super DUPER DUPER,noisy.
so we ate first. ang saraap nung beef thing. =)) i was so full.
then we searched for clothes for tito leroy&&irine. ;]
and we bought chelsea a cute lacoste bag. :))

went here. chit chat with sisters tita agi & papa.
avilon zoo tmrw or ocean park i think.


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