Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Bartender

You Are 72% Emo

While you may not be completely emo, you have a sensitive, deep, troubled soul.

we`ll be back At Nov 6.

i was late, i went to school at about 7:35 cause the rain was pouring HARD. :| i just walk my school thats why im late.anyway today wasnt fun. :)) joke it was okay, i just wasnt as happy like yesterday. its so cold today. HELL COLD. its like there`s a storm. and ate rona didnt bought me my JAMAICAN PATTIES. :( she said the mall was closed already, we played "chinese garter" i know, gross right? but i grew up with that game. i was teamed up with thea and claire, hahaha im always "dead" or talo. and patrick was upset cause i wasnt teamed with him. WAHA! milca is jealous. WAHA! MEAN ME!and someone just forgot about her promise, WHATEVER. I WONT BE JEALOUS ABOUT YOU ANYWAY! ITS BETTER WITHOUT YOU! i hate her. she`s a backfighter and she`s SOOO plastic. :P die her.


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